Our Services
CCRA provides an array of world-class customs and brokerage services to our diverse portfolio of international clients. Our work spans smaller projects to full-scale customs compliance and brokerage world.
Customs Compliance
After onsite analysis is performed to determine the status of current compliance programs and processes, CCRA will provide an Executive Overview detailing the proposed enhancements to achieve “Best Practice” import/export operations. CCRA will also assemble, review and edit all information to include milestones at the beginning of each segment and a report at the end of each segment.
Regulatory Affairs
CCRA works with clients to identify special challenges that face their import/export operations and develop tailored solutions that satisfy both their focus on efficient and effective operations and the current regulatory environment.
Additional Services
- ACE Portal Account Setup & Training
- Audit of entry data prior to payment
- Audit of proof of payment for declared entered value
- Carnets and Hand-Carry Procedures
- Classification of principle imports
- Customs Clearance
- Customs rulings review & submission where necessary
- Deferred duty programs
- Duty drawback review & recommendations
- Employee analysis & training
- Entry audit procedures and tracking documentation
- Executive Training for annual compliance purposes
- Free Trade Agreement Analysis & Recommendations
- Import restrictions (permits, licenses, special procedures)
- Management of Customshouse brokers
- Other Government Agency (OGA) import regulations and
- Proper use and execution of Customshouse brokers power of attorney (POA)
- Recordkeeping requirements
- Review of assists process
- Review of security procedures as detailed for C-TPAT membership
- Review of self-assessment procedures as details for ISA membership
- Review of shipment receiving process (OS&D Recommendations)
- Special duty programs (9801, 9802, Free Trade Agreements)
- Tariff Engineering for Classification purposes
- Temporary importations (Temporary Importation Under Bond)
- Valuation of imported product (Transaction Value and Transfer Pricing Issues)
Please do not hesitate to contact me so that we can begin finding solutions to your businesses toughest customs regulatory needs.